New User

Company User Registration
Step 1 - Select a company and enter your email

Company/Entity   *  
Email  *

Note: If you are a new company or a new intervenor, you will need to set up an account with the Wyoming Public Service Commission before registering. You will need to fill out a Utility Contact and Address Form or an Intervenor Contact Form and email the completed form to: wpsc_docket_filing@wyo.gov or mail the completed form to the Docketing section at:

Wyoming Public Service Commission
Docketing Section
2515 Warren Avenue, Suite 300
Cheyenne, WY 82002

If you represent several companies or intervenors, you must create a unique user account for each company or intervenor. If you are a representing agent, you must get approval from the company or intervenor to file on its behalf.